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Using your account and transferring it to (Portal)

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If you are an existing customer (you have a DB0xxx number) Your data is being migrated to Portal and for that, a few steps need to be taken. The idea of Portal is that you will be able to find everything there. Currently, we have two portals, namely (the old one) and (the new one). Information on what you can do in each portal can be found here:

What should I use to log in to Portal?

The concept is that employees who need to do something in Portal all have their own accounts, and you assign permissions to those employees. This way, you can ensure that someone can create a VPS but cannot view invoices. Therefore, you need a personal account in Portal.
  • I have a personal account on Portal: In that case, you do not need to read further. Use that account to log in.
  • I have never logged in to Portal: In that case, follow the steps below.
Make sure you have the following information at hand:
  • Login credentials for
The short route: Log in with the details from on (Portal). If this works, then you can follow the steps in Portal. If it doesn't work, then follow the steps below.
  1. Log in with the details from on If you have forgotten this password, read here on how to recover it.
  2. If logging into is successful, then log in with the same username and password on and skip to step 4 if login was successful
  3. If you can login, skip to step 4. If this doesn't work and you receive a login error even though you are sure you are using the correct details, then there are 2 possibilities:
    1. The error message indicates that a personal account already exists. In that case, a colleague has already gone through these steps. Ask that colleague to create a personal account for you. If you don't know who this is, create a ticket and mention your customer number and that you don't know who the colleague is. We will inform the colleague so they can contact you.
    2. The error message indicates that the login is not working for another reason. In that case, create a ticket and mention your customer number and that the account migration is not working.
  4. After logging in, you will be notified that there is no personal account yet and will be guided through creating a personal account.
  5. After creating a personal account, you can also create an account for employees. This way, you can assign permissions.
  6. From now on, you can no longer log in to Portal using the login credentials of However, you should continue using the login credentials of on
In summary: You can log in once with the details of, after which you can add yourself and other users directly. It's possible that a colleague has already done this. If you then log in with the details of and it's mentioned in the error message, ask the colleague to create an account for you. If you really don't know who that is, just create a ticket, and we will notify your colleague.
After this, do not use the login credentials of for Portal anymore, always use your personal account.
If you want to log in to, simply still do so using the credentials from!

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