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How to add a API token used for backups.

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In this guide, we will explain how to set up an API token to use with PBS for authentication to your PVE environment


1. Go to your PBS environment (, and log in.

2. Go to the Access Control tab.


3. Click on API Token.


4. Click on add.


5. Give the API token a name. 


User: Select the user you want to create an API token for. 

Token Name: You can enter something yourself, this does not matter.

Expire: Can be set to make the API token expire after a certain date. Default is never.

Enable: Must be checked for the API token to function.

Comment: Can be used to add a description to the API token.


6. Save the API secret (VERY IMPORTANT)


The secret will be used for authentication when adding the PBS to PVE.


7. Click on Permissions.


8. Click on add.


9. Select "API token permission"


10. Enter the information needed for the API token.


Path: Select the datastore that you want to use, going by "/datastore/<datastorename>"

API Token: Select the api token that you have previously created. 

Role: Select the role "DatastoreBackup". With this you will be able to makeand restore backups that are owned by PVE.

Propagate: Should be checked if you have multiple namespaces on the datastore and want the token to be able to access all of them


Now you can add the datastore to your pve environment following the following documentation

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