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[Solved] Router failure in Amsterdam

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This morning [09-05-2023 8:22] one of the routers in Amsterdam went down.

We will post status updates on this page.


For now, the impact of this outage does not seem to be too severe but should you experience any problems, please create a ticket with any traceroutes.



The router has been available again since 9:47 am. The router outage had no impact on services thanks to redundancy except for streaming services such as RDP and VOIP. Sessions running over that router will have been interrupted to reroute traffic.


The cause was an interruption in the power supply. This interruption shut down the router and turned it back on after power was restored. The interruption in the power supply was a scheduled maintenance but picked up by the engineers present as an outage because they were not aware of the maintenance. This is obviously something we can easily improve.

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